Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ecuador Day Ocho-the last day!

And just like that, the trip was ending!  I was sad to leave but ready to head home, but first we had some sightseeing to do!
Ready for our last day
 Oops, forgot we went to church at Advent St. Nicholas again first.  We went back and changed and then started sightseeing!  Martha, who is a member of the Kiwanis club and also worked as a tour guide for the Embassy, was our guide for the day.  She took us to a very nice lunch to start off our tour.  Then we went to see the Our Lady of Quito statue, which you probably noticed as the GIANT angel statue in the pictures from the unfinished church.
Our Lady of Quito statue

Closeup of OLofQ
 We had a great view of Quito from the statue!
Looking down onto Quito

Close up of Quito from near the Our Lady statue

Me with Quito in the background
 We then went down to Old Town, the historical part of Quito.  Our group did some of this earlier in the week and at this point I was just over it, so I didn't really take any pictures. 
With Christian, who works for Habitat Ecuador and their translator
We went to an interesting restaurant before going to the airport.  The menu had testicles, heart, entrails, liver, and other such treats on it.  YUCK!  I had french fries.  I figured those were safe!

Then it was airport time!  We said our goodbyes and started the process of checking in, getting bags checked, going through security, and then having my carry ons riffled through before I could enter the gate area.  But, we made it through and I was asleep before we even took off from Quito. 

I got home early Monday morning and boy was I exhausted.  I'm still not sure I'm fully caught up, but it was an awesome trip and I hope to return next year on the Habitat build.

Hope you enjoyed my recap!  We will now return to our regularly scheduled style blogging!

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